Most online services require an email address to register to that service.  It is best to create a generic email account that can be used for this purpose.  

We recommend using a generic email address, like "[email protected]" instead of using someone's personal email account.  That way you can avoid being locked out of your web service subscriptions if your "webmaster" leaves your club.  

With a generic email address, all you need to be concerned with is changing the login passwords when someone leaves or the responsibility is passed on to another club member.  

Steps to create a generic email account

You have the option to create a generic email account on any popular public free email service like Gmail, Yahoo Mail or Outlook Online (used to be Hotmail).  

Here are some PDF Guides that you may find helpful:

Protecting your Club's Future Online Presence

You will be using the generic email account to register for most of the available online services you subscribe your club to in the future.  It is critical that you always think about the sustainability ... what would happen if you suddenly were no longer available?  Would your club's online services and resources be locked up with no way to manage them or delete them?  This is an rarely envisioned when clubs first start out, but always presume that the worst could happen.
 At a minimum, always ensure that two individuals who trust each other and which the club executive trust, have the "keys to the kingdom".  Write down the login credentials (login name and password) and ensure that a copy is provided to the other club member you trust.  Ensure that a written record is maintained of all of the online services subscribed to and the login credentials used.  Both of you should be equally conversant with how to manage each service, or you may want to split the work load between both of you.

Once you have a generic email address, ensure that you configure it to automatically forward email to the real user email address so that you  will receive all the important notices fro your web services that you subscribe to.

First Steps - Tutorial Series

Please refer to the tutorial "First Step" tutorial when it becomes available.  We will continue this discussion with a series of articles exploring each of these first steps:

Optimist Gord has served with the AMS&NW District Web Services Team since 2009.  He has built and managed the District website and a host of other web services for the District.  He also serves as the web master for his club website.  You may have participated one or more of his "Build a club website" workshops at District conferences.

Gord works for an Edmonton-based software development company as the Manager of Customer Services and is also the lead technical writer.

Gord also enjoys volunteering as a Scout Leader and Duke of Edinburgh Awards Group Leader in his home town of St. Albert, AB.


This article was originally published on the Put Your Club Online blog at Blogger.com and has been revised to include references to Outlook Online.  Our Thanks must go to jscreationzs and Ambro / FreeDigitalPictures.net for the free use of the artwork and digital photo in this article.
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4/5/2021 06:51:13 am

Helllo mate nice blog


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