Most online services require an email address to register to that service.  It is best to create a generic email account that can be used for this purpose.  

We recommend using a generic email address, like "[email protected]" instead of using someone's personal email account.  That way you can avoid being locked out of your web service subscriptions if your "webmaster" leaves your club.  

With a generic email address, all you need to be concerned with is changing the login passwords when someone leaves or the responsibility is passed on to another club member.  

Many Optimist clubs have not gone online because they do not have anyone who is willing to undertake the project to create a website, a blog or some other web presence.  Most individuals think that it is too complicated, requires advanced web knowledge or is too costly.

That may have been true a few years ago, but with hosted web services, there are many easy-to-use solutions available.

Now, anyone with basic computer skills can create an put their club online using available free hosted web services. The first question is "How do we get started".